Common Office Errors That Shouldn’t Be Stressed Over

Humans are notoriously mistake-prone. No matter how hard we try to be on top of our game, we will inevitably make mistakes in the workplace. But it’s important to note that not all office errors are the same, and many aren’t a big deal. Here are some of the most common office errors you shouldn’t stress yourself out over.


There’s a quote that says, “If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.” While it’s a lot easier to handle success than failure, you can’t succeed 100 percent of the time. In fact, some of the most successful people failed time and time again. Take Thomas Edison for example and his “serial failures” as an inventor before he finally got it right.

The bottom line is you shouldn’t take failure personally and stress yourself out over it. It’s an unavoidable part of life. Instead, you should admit your error, learn from it and move on.

A Typo

It’s obviously important to maintain proper communication on the documents you create, but you should know that one typo won’t ruin your career. No matter how diligent you are, you’re going to eventually have an off day where you’re not operating at your full potential.

This isn’t to say that you should slack off or become complacent, but you should by no means beat yourself up for making a typo every once in a while.

Receiving Negative Feedback From Management

Odds are you’re going to receive feedback at some point that’s less than ideal. It may be a little unpleasant or downright ugly, but this type of input is essential for minimizing mistakes and for making a workplace run at optimal capacity.

Rather than taking criticism poorly, think of it as an opportunity to learn and improve, then apply what you’ve learned moving forward.

Technology Issues

As technology becomes more prominent in everyday tasks, issues beyond your control are bound to happen. Maybe a software platform isn’t working correctly or there’s a network glitch. Whatever the case, technology issues can definitely be frustrating, but you shouldn’t stress over them. Instead, take the necessary steps to resolve tech issues, and try not to let them interfere with operations.

We all make mistakes. It’s not if but when you eventually make them; however these common office errors are nothing to get too worked up over. Simply do what you need to do to get things back on track, and whenever possible, use them as a means for self-improvement.

Looking for more on getting the most from your career? Check out the rest of the Encadria blog.

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