Setting New Hires up for Success

The first phase of employment is a critical time – and you’ll obviously want to get new hires started out on the right foot. That’s why it’s important do everything possible to streamline the onboarding process and reduce any friction along the way. Here are some tips to ease a new employee’s transition and ensure that you provide them with all of the tools for success.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere  

The first day of a new job can be a little overwhelming and even intimidating, and it usually takes a few days for an employee to find their groove. Set their mind at ease and help them as they find their footing by creating a welcoming atmosphere where a new employee feels wanted and valued.   

Provide New Hires With a Personal Contact

Appoint an existing employee to serve as their mentor and personal contact. This will typically be a seasoned employee who already knows the ins and outs of working at your company and what it takes to succeed.

The personal contact should be available to answer any questions a new hire has and coach them along during their first week or so. Ideally, a personal contact will have a friendly and encouraging demeanor and be genuinely interested in the success of others.

Be Clear About Your Expectations

According to Entrepreneur, “More than 50 percent of the disciplinary actions individuals deal with in their careers have had at least some aspect of misunderstanding between the employee and manager.” You can minimize the vast number of misunderstandings by setting clear expectations right from the start. Whether it’s educating a new hire on company policies, explaining proper behavior or discussing production quotas, making your expectations known should prevent a lot of issues from arising and minimize any confusion on their end.

Offer a Web-Based Onboarding System

This is one of the best tools that employers can offer to new hires  as it is a one-stop resource. Some features of this system can include:

  • A benefits portal
  • Educational training material
  • Compliance forms
  • Digital employee handbook

This allows new hires to access any content they may need during the first phase of employment. It’s mutually beneficial because an employee will have 24/7 access to instantly address issues, and it can save you a lot of time because of reduced administrative tasks.

Learning the ropes of a new job can be difficult for anyone. But by providing new hires with everything they need for success, you can make the onboarding process much easier and put them in the best position possible.

For more insights on business management and getting the most from your employees, check out our blog.

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