How Long Should My Resume Be?

The ideal resume length has long been a hotly contested topic. But most modern experts agree you should keep your resume at one page, especially for entry-level positions. Let’s discuss the benefits of this length and how to accomplish this.

Why One Page Is Best

So what’s the logic behind keeping your resume this short? Perhaps the biggest reason is because recruiters have a notoriously short attention span. In fact, they spend only an average of six seconds looking at each resume. Being longwinded with your resume will often reduce your chances of landing an interview.

Here are some other reasons:

  • You come across as being clear and concise
  • You quickly showcase your skills without adding excessive information
  • It helps to avoid “fluff”

If you’re struggling to condense your resume, here are some effective tips for shortening the length.

Tailor Your Resume for a Particular Position

This kills two birds with one stone. First, it shows recruiters you’re not sending out a generic resume with irrelevant information. This is critical because most can tell when someone is only giving a half-hearted effort. Second, it reduces the amount of text, which is what you’re going for.

Remove Older or Non-Relevant Positions

If you’re applying for an administrative position, you wouldn’t want to include information on a past job as a landscaper. It’s non-relevant and would only waste a recruiter’s time. The same is often true with very old positions.

According to The Resume Place, “Hiring officials will focus on the most recent five years of your career. They will also read and consider up to the last 10 years of work experience. Prior to 10 years, they will scan quickly.” The bottom line here is you should remove jobs you worked at more than 10 years ago and try to keep it at five years instead.

Adjust Fonts and Spacing

Another simple technique is to use smaller fonts and play around with the spacing between sections. Often this will allow you to get the same amount of information on page without making any dramatic changes. You may also want to use bullet points rather than adding spaces in certain sections.

A one-page resume is considered best practice for the majority of positions and is a length you should aim for. Fortunately, trimming your resume back isn’t all that difficult, and following these tips should help you do so with relative ease.

Need help with your job search? Get in touch with the professionals at Encadria Staffing Solutions today.

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