What Should You Do if You’re Late For Your Interview

It’s the stuff of nightmares. You researched the company, prepared great interview responses and made sure your suit was pressed the night before. But then your alarm didn’t go off. Or you got stuck in traffic. Now you’re an hour late for a job interview. What should you do? Here are some tips to help you… Read More »

What to Expect in Your Manufacturing Position Interview

Having a successful interview for a manufacturing position is essential for impressing the hiring manager and landing the job. While you never know exactly what they’ll throw at you, there are several ways to prepare. Here are some specific topics and questions that are commonly covered. Manufacturing Experience This is usually the first topic a… Read More »

Turn Your Weaknesses Into a Great Conversation

“What’s your biggest weakness?” This is one of the most dreaded questions in a job interview. And it’s one that requires a considerable amount of finesse and tact to effectively respond to. Here are some tips on how to turn your weaknesses upside and wow your interviewer. Don’t Give a Bogus Answer The last thing… Read More »

Making a Bold Impression When You’re an Introvert

Interviewing for a job can be difficult if you’re an introvert. Following a few helpful hints can help you make a bold impression and a better connection with your recruiter. Use Proper Body Language A big part of what an interviewer thinks of you will be based on your body language, so here are some… Read More »